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Basic Life Support Courses

We offer Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council Cardiac First Response (CFR) community level certification in association with the Basic Life Support courses.

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Basic CPR & AED (Automated External Defibrilator)

Irish Heart Foundation/American Heart Association Heartsaver Adult /Child CPR/AED Course:
Course duration is three and a half hours. The course includes training in the use of barrier devices and Automated External Defibrillator(AED). Successful participants are awarded Irish Heart Foundation/American Heart Association Heartsaver Certification.
Irish Heart Foundation/American Heart Association Heartsaver Adult /Child/Infant CPR/AED Course:
Course duration is four hours. The course includes training in the use of barrier devices and Automated External Defibrillator(AED). Successful participants are awarded Irish Heart Foundation/American Heart Association Heartsaver Certification.
Basic CPR & AED

Healthcare Providers

Irish Heart Foundation/American Heart Association Healthcare Provider Course: For Healthcare Professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Paramedical Staff)
Course Duration 5 hours including assessment. Training in the use of barrier devices and Automated External Defibrillation (AED) is included. Also includes Child & Infant CPR and relief of Foreign Body Airway Obstruction. Successful participants are awarded Irish Heart Foundation/American Heart Association Healthcare Provider certification. This course received An Bord Altranais Post-Registration Category 1 Further Education Approval in 2010. This course also counts as points for Continuous Practice Development (CPD).
Healthcare Providers

Instructor Training

Basic Life Support/Cardiac First Response (Community) Instructor Course:
Course duration is two days with pre-course study. Following after-course monitoring successful participants are awarded Basic Life Support Instructor certification by The Irish Heart Foundation and Cardiac First Response (Community) Instructor Certification by The Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC).
Heartsaver/Cardiac First Response (Community) Instructor Course:
Course duration is two days with pre-course study. Following after-course monitoring successful participants are awarded Basic Life Support Instructor certification by The Irish Heart Foundation and Cardiac First Response (Community) Instructor Certification by The Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC).
Instructor Training

Your Special Training Requirements

Organisation-Specific Training:
Training courses can be tailor-made to suit your specific requirements. Please contact us to discuss how we might be able to assist your organisation
Your Special Training Requirements

Affiliated with Workplace Instructor Network (WIN) to register, teach and certify First Aid Response training and Cardiac First Response training.

Registered Business
Number: 599314 and  200826 

Irish Heart Foundation Affiliated Training Site.

irish heart foundation
Call us today!
Or send us an email!

8 Westbrook Crescent, Balbriggan,
Co. Dublin, K32 FC44

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